
Is Reacher open-source? Does it mean it's free? When should you pay for a Commercial License?

Yes, Reacher is Open-Source

Reacher is proudly open-source and distributed under the AGPL-3.0 license (GNU Affero General Public License). This license ensures that Reacher’s source code is freely available, and any modifications or improvements made to the code must also be shared under the same license.

However, companies cannot use the open-source version if they plan to integrate Reacher into proprietary software or services without sharing their modifications. The AGPL-3.0 requires that if you offer the software as part of a web service, you must make your code (including any modifications) publicly available. For more details, check GNU’s AGPL-3.0 guide.

Commercial License required for Proprietary applications

The Commercial License allows companies to integrate Reacher into their proprietary software or services without being bound by the open-source license terms (such as making their own code publicly available). By obtaining a Commercial License, businesses can use Reacher with full control over how the software is implemented and distributed within their products.

Check Reacher's pricing page to buy a Commercial License, or read the full terms of the Commercial License.

Both the open-source and Commercial License give you access to the same Reacher software.

Does Reacher offer a Free Trial?

Yes, Reacher offers a free trial for the Commercial License, see Commercial License Trial.

Last updated