Reacher Configuration
This configuration is for the current 0.10 version. For the older 0.7 version, please see Docker Environment Variables (v0.7).
You can find below the exhaustive list of configurable parameters to optimize Reacher.
To tweak a configuration, look at the "Env variable" name in the comments, and pass in the -e ENV_VAR=VALUE
flag to Docker. See Examples with Docker.
# Backend configuration.
# Name to identify the backend.
# Env variable: RCH__BACKEND_NAME
backend_name = "backend-dev"
# Host to bind the backend to.
# Env variable: RCH__HTTP_HOST
http_host = ""
# Port for the backend.
# Env variable: RCH__HTTP_PORT
http_port = 8080
# Shared secret between a trusted client and the backend, required in the
# `x-reacher-secret` header of all incoming requests.
# Env variable: RCH__HEADER_SECRET
# header_secret = "my-secret"
# Name to use during the EHLO/HELO command in the SMTP conversation.
# Ideally, this should match the reverse DNS of the server's IP address.
# Env variable: RCH__HELLO_NAME
hello_name = "localhost"
# Email to use during the MAIL FROM command in the SMTP conversation.
# Ideally, the domain of this email should match the "hello_name" above.
# Env variable: RCH__FROM_EMAIL
from_email = "hello@localhost"
# Address of the Chrome WebDriver server for headless email verifications.
# Env variable: RCH__WEBDRIVER_ADDR
webdriver_addr = "http://localhost:9515"
# Timeout for each SMTP connection, in seconds. Leaving it commented out will
# not set a timeout, i.e. the connection will wait indefinitely.
# Env variable: RCH__SMTP_TIMEOUT
# smtp_timeout = 45
# Optional Sentry DSN. If set, all errors will be sent to Sentry.
# Env variable: RCH__SENTRY_DSN
# sentry_dsn = "<PASTE_YOUR_DSN_NOW>"
# Uncomment the lines below to route all SMTP verification requests
# through a specified proxy. Note that the proxy must be a SOCKS5 proxy to work
# with the SMTP protocol. This proxy will not be used for headless
# verifications.
# The username and password are optional and only needed if the proxy requires
# authentication.
# Env variables:
# [proxy]
# host = ""
# port = 1080
# username = "my-username"
# password = "my-password"
# Verification method to use for each email provider. Available methods are:
# "smtp", "headless", and "api". Note that not all methods are supported by
# all email providers.
# Gmail currently only supports the "smtp" method.
# Env variable: RCH__VERIF_METHOD__GMAIL
gmail = "smtp"
# Hotmail B2B currently only supports the "smtp" method.
hotmailb2b = "smtp"
# Hotmail B2C supports both "headless" and "smtp" methods. The "headless"
# method is recommended.
hotmailb2c = "headless"
# Yahoo supports both "headless" and "smtp" methods. The "headless" method is
# recommended.
yahoo = "headless"
# Throttle the maximum number of requests per second, per minute, per hour, and
# per day for this worker.
# All fields are optional; comment them out to disable the limit.
# We however recommend setting the throttle for at least the per-minute and
# per-day limits to prevent the IPs from being blocked by the email providers.
# The default values are set to 60 requests per minute and 10,000 requests per
# day.
# Important: these throttle configurations only apply to /v1/* endpoints, and
# not to the previous /v0/check_email endpoint. The latter endpoint always
# executes the verification immediately, regardless of the throttle settings.
# Env variables:
# max_requests_per_second = 20
max_requests_per_minute = 60
# max_requests_per_hour = 1000
max_requests_per_day = 10000
# Configuration for a queue-based architecture for Reacher. This feature is
# currently in **beta**. The queue-based architecture allows Reacher to scale
# horizontally by running multiple workers that consume emails from a RabbitMQ
# queue.
# To enable the queue-based architecture, set the "enable" field to "true" and
# configure the RabbitMQ connection below. The "concurrency" field specifies
# the number of concurrent emails to verify for this worker.
# For more information, see the documentation at:
# Enable the worker to consume emails from the RabbitMQ queues. If set, the
# RabbitMQ configuration below must be set as well.
# Env variable: RCH__WORKER__ENABLE
enable = false
# RabbitMQ configuration.
# Env variable: RCH__WORKER__RABBITMQ__URL
url = "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"
# Number of concurrent emails to verify for this worker.
concurrency = 5
# Below are the configurations for the storage of the email verification
# results. We currently support the following storage backends:
# - Postgres
# Uncomment the following line to configure the storage to use Postgres.
# [storage.postgres]
# # URL to connect to the Postgres database.
# db_url = "postgresql://localhost/reacherdb"
# If you wish to store additional data along with the verification results,
# you can add a JSON object to the "extra" field. This object will be stored
# as a JSONB column in the database. This is for example useful to track who
# initiated the verification request in a multi-tenant system.
# extra = { "my_custom_key" = "my_custom_value" }
Examples with Docker
To overwrite the EHLO/HELO name:
docker run -e -p 8080:8080 reacherhq/backend:beta
To store all email verification results to a Postgres database:
docker run -e RCH__STORAGE__POSTGRES__DB_URL="postgres://" -p 8080:8080 reacherhq/backend:beta
For advanced users, if you prefer to pass in the full backend_config.toml
file instead of individual environment variable flags, run:
docker run -e RUST_LOG=reacher=debug -v /path/to/local/backend_config.toml:./backend_config.toml -p 8080:8080 reacherhq/backend:beta
We recommend passing in -e RUST_LOG=reacher=debug
, at least on first run, as the debug logs will show the final configuration parsed by Reacher.
Last updated